Financial Planning
Financial success must start with a plan. First, we assess where you are today: what you own, what you owe, what you earn and what you spend. We talk through your financial goals, specific hopes and dreams and how to overcome potential obstacles.
Our comprehensive approach includes an analysis of cash flows, retirement savings, college savings, taxes, insurance and protections, long-term care, estate planning and more. Clients gain perspective from a top-down look at their total financial picture to move closer to their most valued goals.

Investment Management
The key to investing success is filtering out background noise and concentrating on asset allocation. We take the time to understand client needs, goals and preferences before recommending investments.
The resulting portfolio design involves an asset allocation that takes into consideration tax implications, cash needs and future growth potential. We implement a strategy that is firmly aligned with client goals and anchored by time-tested investment principles.

Retirement Planning
Retirement Planning starts with an assessment of today with a vision for the future. We work with our clients to create a detailed financial plan that considers age, income, lifestyle, spending, tax bracket and investment experience. Other important items include future social security claiming, insurance needs, healthcare planning and inflation.
Creating a detailed, written financial plan is essential for staying on track to a comfortable retirement. Your life and goals will change over time. A financial plan serves as a benchmark for maintaining flexibility with an eye toward achieving goals in retirement or the future.

Business Planning
In addition to profitability and the daily running of a company, business owners and partners need to be focused on corporate structure and employee benefits. Equally important are the owner’s retirement savings and eventual exit strategy. Growing value, maintaining equity, and keeping track of each facet of a business can be a challenge – but we can help.
Whether you’re just getting started, a well-established business, or thinking about selling/succession planning, we’ll help you understand existing opportunities and how to leverage what stands to work best for you. If you’re transitioning away from your business, we’re prepared to assist in turning your equity into cash, and incorporating those earnings into both retirement and estate planning.

Insurance Planning
Insurance planning is about far more than simply selecting a policy. Truly effective insurance protection involves a comprehensive look at your total financial situation and considering how to protect the important things in your life with cost-effective, customized solutions.
We have the expertise and relationships to help you evaluate needs and find exactly the right policies for your concerns – and budget. Above all, we understand that you want advice that speaks directly to your specific concerns, not just products for sale.

College Savings
Saving for higher education ranks as a top priority among most parents and grandparents, but most don’t know where to start. Our advisors incorporate college planning into your overall financial profile, so you understand the savings vehicles available in the context of thoughtfully designed retirement, insurance, and investment strategies.
For grandparents, helping with the cost of education presents an opportunity to take a closer look at gifting and estate planning strategies. We break down the various savings vehicles and strategies while outlining the tax advantages that may be available. College savings becomes part of a thoughtfully designed portfolio along with other major life goals.

Estate Planning
A thoughtful and well-designed estate plan is one of the most important parts of a long-term financial plan. This piece can often take the longest amount of time and be the most difficult to discuss with your advisor. We work to define your wishes and bring together the best resources to execute a strategy to pass assets on to your beneficiaries or the next generation.
Our analysis aids in determining the timing and structure of gifts and asset transfers. We will work with you and your attorney of choice to ensure that your last will and testament reflect your wishes and factor in tools such as healthcare proxy, durable power of attorney, trusts and other concerns including taxes.